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Meeting Minutes of 12-07-09

meeting began at 10:20 a.m. at the home of Linda Martin
Board Members present:  Linda Martin, Donn Herman, Brigid Fair, and Ron Schmaltz

The Board Members went through mail and addressed the following business.

1.  Review of bank statements:  our expenditures almost equal our deposits; all monthly bills have been paid and we have managed to cover the cost of all line repairs for this year.  Our association CD is up for renewal May 17, 2010.

2.  Next billing cycle: Bills will be hand delivered by Board Members will by December 15, 2009. Payment is due January 15, 2010.  We bill on a 6 month cycle.  Payments may be mailed to our Association mailbox or made directly to our Association account by checking with your bank on a monthly basis. 

3.  Upcoming Payments:  Our association will need to pay our gross receipt taxes which will total approximately $1,700 and our annual fee NM Water Conservation fee of approximately $100

4.  NMRWA:  Linda Mart and Ron Schmaltz filled out our NMRWA System Infromation form and submitted the yearly fee of $117.  Board members briefly discussed whether it was worth sending someone to the annual NMRWA convention with a preregistration fee of $165.  It was decided this was not a worthwhile expenditure.

5.  New NM Ground Water Compliance:  Ron Schmaltz shared that we were asked if we planned to comply to the new state mandated ground water rules for 4log renewal.  There is no way we can which means the state is then responsible for oversight of our system.  Ron is going to training later in December and will share more information when he gets it.

6.  NM Taxation & Revenue:  we received our NMT&R certificate and posted it with our other Association docments.

Other Business

System Flush - Ron and Donn will preflush the system tanks 12-28-09 and results will be shared at the January meeting.

New Pump -  the Board discussed the purchase of a new pump to have on hand in case the current pump goes out.  The current pump is past its life expectancy and the replacement of the pump could take up to 3 days to replace if it goes out.  Ron will research the cost of pumps and ~250 feet piping then report back to the rest of the Board.

Replacement of line - The Board also discussed the cost of lining a portion of the system mainline that is currently 6" in diameter in order to improve flow. 

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